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Category: Goals

What I learned from earning an MBA

This weekend I graduated from Illinois State University with a Master’s in Business Administration and a Certificate in Organizational Leadership. I completed eight prerequisites and 12 degree-seeking courses in three and a half years, all while working full-time, continuing to volunteer in my community, and being a wife, mother, and friend. Here’s what I learned.


5am Laura

My phone started ringing at 4:45 a.m. this morning. It was M, calling to ask if I would check to see if he had shut the garage door when leaving for work. He had.

The early morning wake up call provided me the perfect opportunity to try out a recommendation I heard on yesterday’s How to Money podcast with guest, “5am Joel”: the 5 a.m. wake up.

Snow in our front yard.

List of 1,000 dreams

Reading 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think has challenged me to think broadly about what I want for my life. I’m currently on a two-week break from work, which has freed up some mental space for dreaming, too.

New sweater

Suck it up, buttercup

I mentioned previously that this year I want to make progress on the things that matter to me: creating, writing, and painting. In a day and age when it seems like we’re being pulled into hundreds of different directions, finding time for what matters can feel like an insurmountable feat.

M and I on New Years Eve 2020

Thoughts on a new decade

It’s a new year, a new decade. We celebrated with the same friends we rang in the new year with in 2019. Our kids stayed awake too late and have been little bears since, but all in all it was a fun time. This last decade has been busy: a marriage, two babies, buying a house, job changes, and more.

Snowy Halloween night

Choosing contentment

Self-improvement is always on my mind. It’s echoed in the blogs I read, the social media I consume, and the conversations I have. And while self-improvement is a worthwhile goal, I think an equally important pursuit is to approach life with a spirit of contentment.

Margaret holding her dad's hand on the IKEA escalator

In five years

Sometimes when I’m having a bad day, or just feeling wistful, I’ll spend some time thinking about how different my life will look in five years. This exercise helps me a). realize that many of the things currently bothering me won’t matter at all down the line, b). know that even when it’s hard to see progress towards bigger goals, in five years, those accomplishments may be in the rear-view window, and c). helps me pinpoint what I can and should focus my energies on now to get to where I want to be later.