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Category: Celebrations

What I learned from earning an MBA

This weekend I graduated from Illinois State University with a Master’s in Business Administration and a Certificate in Organizational Leadership. I completed eight prerequisites and 12 degree-seeking courses in three and a half years, all while working full-time, continuing to volunteer in my community, and being a wife, mother, and friend. Here’s what I learned.

M and I on New Years Eve 2020

Thoughts on a new decade

It’s a new year, a new decade. We celebrated with the same friends we rang in the new year with in 2019. Our kids stayed awake too late and have been little bears since, but all in all it was a fun time. This last decade has been busy: a marriage, two babies, buying a house, job changes, and more.

Margaret with her dollhouse_August 2018

Bend not break

We celebrated Margaret’s second birthday today and it brought with it the new year feel of examining and weighing the last twelve months. We’ve lost family members, quit jobs, accepted new ones. We’ve grieved and mourned and grieved some more. We’ve raised two kids from baby to toddler to almost kid, with frequent stops at threenager in between.