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Tag: Career

What it takes to be well

A few weeks ago, I began reading On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good. And then, as embarrassing as it feels to admit, I gave up reading it. The prose is excellent, the topic timely, and yet it felt like another task on my burgeoning to-do list. The very nature of reading a book promising clarity on women’s desire to be good enough felt like a step on that very journey. 

What I learned from earning an MBA

This weekend I graduated from Illinois State University with a Master’s in Business Administration and a Certificate in Organizational Leadership. I completed eight prerequisites and 12 degree-seeking courses in three and a half years, all while working full-time, continuing to volunteer in my community, and being a wife, mother, and friend. Here’s what I learned.


Too much

Tonight I attended my online MBA class with Margaret nearby. We begin at the table, listening while decorating birthday cards. “Nana’s turning 60 and Aunt Libby’s turning 1859!” Later we listen from the bathroom (on mute and without video) while Margaret takes a bath. I look around at the bath toys, the floor wet from her splashing, the discarded clothing next to my computer and notebook. Instead of feeling like the hard-working career mom I often aspire to be, it suddenly feels like too much.

Snow in our front yard.

List of 1,000 dreams

Reading 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think has challenged me to think broadly about what I want for my life. I’m currently on a two-week break from work, which has freed up some mental space for dreaming, too.

Vintage dresser

On good enough

I recently listened to one of my favorite new-ish podcasts, Best of Both Worlds. In one episode, author and speaker Laura Vanderkam talked about re-framing mom guilt by calling it wistfulness. Vanderkam said that instead of feeling guilty when you’re working and subsequently not with your children, you should instead acknowledge the feeling as wistfulness–a feeling of longing for something while also knowing not all ideal situations can exist in the same moment.

Tea, chocolate, and a good book

At the altar

I used to worship at the altar of busy. I would flit from one thing to the next, arriving late to each function and meeting, guzzling down so much Diet Coke my body would be humming, my heart skipping every other beat.