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Tag: Life

Recent projects, COVID-19 edition

This has been such a strange time, filled with high highs (laughing until we cry at our kids’ antics) and low lows (holding back tears at their frustration, sadness, and confusion). One major perk of social distancing, though, is more time to paint.


5am Laura

My phone started ringing at 4:45 a.m. this morning. It was M, calling to ask if I would check to see if he had shut the garage door when leaving for work. He had.

The early morning wake up call provided me the perfect opportunity to try out a recommendation I heard on yesterday’s How to Money podcast with guest, “5am Joel”: the 5 a.m. wake up.


A new church

Yesterday our family visited a new-to-us church. “Is it going to be s-c-a-r-y?” Graydon asked, his desire to spell out words increasing with each new word he learns. “Not really,” I replied. “All churches are made up of people, and people are just people, so that’s not so scary.”