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Category: Intuitive Eating

Graceful Living cover photo

Graceful Living: Essays on Intuitive Eating, Part 2

Lately I’ve been thinking about being present. Not in a zen, yoga, slowing down kind of way. But in the way that the present counts for something. I got to thinking yesterday about the way we prioritize a future, not yet attained version of ourselves over the here-and-now-and-imperfect self we actually are. I found myself feeling surprisingly hopeful yesterday. I thought about how giving up dieting has returned me to myself, my present self.

Graceful Living cover photo

Graceful Living: Essays on Intuitive Eating, Part 1

In 2011 I began writing about intuitive eating. I wrote to process and to heal after living with disordered eating for nearly ten years. In many ways, intuitive eating saved me from myself. Most importantly, intuitive eating taught me to listen to myself and to acknowledge a quiet voice that whispered, “You are enough.” I wrote these essays for myself, but knowing how deeply rooted issues of weight are with feelings of identity and belonging, I decided to publish them here in hopes of helping others navigate the road back to oneself.