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Category: Family


A new church

Yesterday our family visited a new-to-us church. “Is it going to be s-c-a-r-y?” Graydon asked, his desire to spell out words increasing with each new word he learns. “Not really,” I replied. “All churches are made up of people, and people are just people, so that’s not so scary.”

Shades of grey water color

Living in it

I used to be a BLACK-WHITE thinker. There were no other shades, no other points of view. Just RIGHT or WRONG. Something was a GOOD IDEA or a BAD IDEA. You were either GOOD in my book, or BAD.

Thomas and Graydon at Subway

On hospitality

This is Thomas. I’ve written about Thomas before. But nothing quite adequately captures his presence in my life. On our very first date, Mike told me all about his family. I could hear the dedication in his voice—not an unhealthy co-dependency—rather the knowledge that to him, family is the most important thing, and that he would be there for them to the end. And we were.

Margaret holding her dad's hand on the IKEA escalator

In five years

Sometimes when I’m having a bad day, or just feeling wistful, I’ll spend some time thinking about how different my life will look in five years. This exercise helps me a). realize that many of the things currently bothering me won’t matter at all down the line, b). know that even when it’s hard to see progress towards bigger goals, in five years, those accomplishments may be in the rear-view window, and c). helps me pinpoint what I can and should focus my energies on now to get to where I want to be later.

Margaret with her dollhouse_August 2018

Bend not break

We celebrated Margaret’s second birthday today and it brought with it the new year feel of examining and weighing the last twelve months. We’ve lost family members, quit jobs, accepted new ones. We’ve grieved and mourned and grieved some more. We’ve raised two kids from baby to toddler to almost kid, with frequent stops at threenager in between.